The corona virus also affects brokerage. Which Corona measures does Nivita Makelaars take?

The current situation has an enormous impact on everyone. Given our work as brokers, we receive a lot of questions from our customers. The press conference of March 15th and the stricter measures announced by Minister Grapperhaus on March 23rd have consequences for the agreements on location and at our offices.

We want to continue our work for as long as possible and it is important now that people do not lose good spirits and confidence. Naturally, we strictly follow the guidelines of the RIVM.

Based on the guidelines of RIVM, Nivita Makelaars takes the following measures:

We remain available by telephone, email and whatsapp.
Individual viewings are planned with people from the same household (families with children are therefore welcome). The 1.5 meter distance boundary must be maintained on site. This can mean that the broker waits outside the house and calls you after to discuss the viewing. If one of you has a cold, the request is to schedule a new appointment or to request a whatsapp tour.
All visitors must first wash their hands with soap before starting the viewing.
The brokers wear a mask and gloves on location. If you as a viewer are also in possession of a mask and gloves, the request is to use it.
When you have to sneeze or cough, put it in the elbow or a paper towel and throw it away immediately.
Do you (or still cannot) view the house personally? Then plan a whatsapp tour.
Nivita Makelaars works from home as much as possible.
The purchase and sales conversations take place digitally.
The purchase agreement is discussed digitally.
For the valuation, it is best to record a video and send clear photos per WhatsApp. This way you have a first indication. When you actually want to sell, we will visit you on location to view the house yourself.
We ask for your understanding of the situation from your side. If you have any further questions about this subject, you can always contact us.


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